Paulina Porizkova, a former top model, stirs up a storm of debate with her daring bikini photos on social media. Instead of giving in to the negativity, she uses the situation to spread a strong message of body positivity and self-love that is heard all over the internet.

Her work began when she was young.

“I Do Miss the Attention”, 58-Year-Old Model Responds to Critics ’Desperate Grandma’ After Bikini Post

“Paulina Porizkova was born in 1965, and she started her” work as a model when she was 15 years old. Porizkova has been on the cover of many well-known magazines. Porizkova has done more than just model. She “has also been in films, TV shows, and music videos. In recent years, she has become known for her honest and intelligent writing about everything from beauty standards to grief and loss”.

Paulina speaks out against ageism without being afraid to go against social rules.

Last year, when she was 57, Porizkova went against what society expected of her by continuing to be a model and posting bikini-clad photos on social media. She says, “”I am a 57-year-old woman, and it seems” that when you reach middle age, society thinks you are too old to wear a bikini.”

“I Do Miss the Attention”, 58-Year-Old Model Responds to Critics ’Desperate Grandma’ After Bikini Post

Porizkova also doesn’t care about the mean things people say about her, like calling her a “desperate grandma” or saying she’s “too old for such endeavours.”

Paulina Porizkova keeps spreading happiness and joy even though she gets a lot of harsh criticism. “I begin 58 with nothing but sunshine and a smile,” she wrote in an Instagram post on her 58th birthday.

“I Do Miss the Attention”, 58-Year-Old Model Responds to Critics ’Desperate Grandma’ After Bikini Post

As a former supermodel, she admits that she misses the attention she got when she was younger. However, she is excited about the task of getting older in a society that values looks. This is Porizkova’s best time—a time of growth, knowledge, and accepting wrinkles as signs of a well-lived life. She feels sorry for people who think that beauty means always being young.

She encourages women to enjoy the process of getting older.

“I Do Miss the Attention”, 58-Year-Old Model Responds to Critics ’Desperate Grandma’ After Bikini Post

Paulina Porizkova fights hard for people to accept the normal process of ageing, going against what society expects. She isn’t afraid to say she doesn’t want plastic surgery or other physical changes. Instead, she says she wants to be an older woman with no changes. Her attitude of empowerment makes people want to be themselves.

In her poem, she says, “”What I like about my face now is that it’s like a really good novel of the history of my life, like it’s all written into my face.”

“I Do Miss the Attention”, 58-Year-Old Model Responds to Critics ’Desperate Grandma’ After Bikini Post

In addition to her own decisions, Porizkova has” stressed how important it is to change how society thinks about getting older. She has said that more women should accept their age and show off what they’ve done, “saying, “We have to make getting older cool. I’m really trying, but we need more women to sort of embrace age and keep saying, “Look at what I’m doing at my age.”

In her” never-ending quest to give women more power, Porizkova goes beyond helping women make personal choices and focuses on a bigger goal: changing how society thinks and feels about getting older.

“I Do Miss the Attention”, 58-Year-Old Model Responds to Critics ’Desperate Grandma’ After Bikini Post

Porizkova’s passionate plea for a change in society is based on a firm belief that every person, no matter what age, deserves to be praised, respected, and fully accepted for the unique path they have chosen.

Older women are wise and strong, which gives them a unique strength that helps them age smoothly. Through their life experiences and knowledge, they are sure of the beauty that comes from the inside while still looking young.

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