Although we try to educate our kids right from wrong, we often fail for various reasons. One father learned his daughter targeted a cancer-stricken classmate at school.

Her success led her to remove the girl’s wig. The father was furious and punished his daughter in a way that created controversy and online reactions.

Following criticism for his treatment of his bully daughter, the father withdrew the post.

“I have full custody of my 16-year-old daughter from my ex-wife, who has gone on with her new family. My daughter got in trouble at school for jeering a cancer patient who lost her hair. His post began with ripping off her wig.

There’s pre-existing bad blood between them, but I don’t think that justifies her behaviour.

Since his daughter was dating this other girl’s ex-boyfriend, they weren’t friends.

At one point, the other girl said my daughter’s boyfriend was using her for sex (which surprised me because I had no idea she was sexually active) and called her a sl*t, the father said.

That caused the wig incident. I believe they’ve been squabbling in class since my daughter started dating him. It was foolish teenage ‘he said she said’ nonsense.”

To teach his daughter, he gave her two options after understanding what happened and what she did. He should destroy all her equipment, and she should get a bald haircut at the hairdresser. The daughter shaved her head for school.

Everybody feels I overstepped. “Her mother went crazy at me saying it would make her the target of bullying (kind of the point, teach her compassion),” the father wrote.

Despite criticism, he believed he had done the right thing. The situation prompted several comments. This person wrote: “Your daughter bullies because you bully. I doubt this is your first time insulting and abusing her to “teach her a lesson.”

Another said, “Your actions have a name. It’s child abuse. Remove her electronics as punishment. She should have been grounded. Disrespecting her bodily autonomy and shaming her is wrong.

It won’t teach her and could perpetuate bullying.”Others commended his parenting. “I fully support your choice. You can do this as her parent—it’s not abusive, it’s real life. Someone who supported the father wrote, “If she’s comfortable attacking someone for something they can’t control, she should try it.”

Another supporter said, “She will see what kind of impact actions like hers have on the victim and that will teach her a very important lesson.”

What’s your opinion? Does the father’s punishment seem excessive? Please comment below.

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