Cole finds out the painful truth that he was there when Linda’s father died when he and his fiancée go to her hometown. His truthfulness with Linda and her mother is now required.
Definitely, I never really believed in fate. If something was going to happen, I thought it would. Also, there would be no more big plans after that.
I later found out who Linda’s father was and realized I was to blame for his death. Suddenly, it looked like fate had something to do with it.
Here’s what took place:
At thirty years old, I’m deeply in love with Linda, my fiancée, and we’re working hard to plan our wedding. Our relationship began two years ago when we met in the magical chaos of New York City.
Our choice was to go to Phoenix to see Linda’s parents. I already knew Linda’s mother because she would sometimes go to New York to see Linda. What I knew about her was that her father, Leonard, had died when she was very young.
Linda wanted to show me the house where she grew up, so we went. Also, she showed me the house where she grew up. That’s where I would have met her if my family hadn’t moved to New York when my dad got a job. Maybe luck would have been on Linda’s side, and we would have met before we moved.
But Linda’s main goal was to ask her mother, Veronica, if she could give us her veil for the wedding.
Nightcap was a lot of fun, and the food was delicious. It was worth the trip just for Veronica’s chili.
The old shots of Linda then showed up.
Natalie told me, “Cole,” as she gave me a record. “You should see Linda’s hair when she was a rebel.”
Nothing was bad, and everything was fun. up until I found a picture of Linda with her dad.
In response, my blood ran cold.
The bottle of beer was shaking in my hand as I held the old picture for a moment or two.
In Linda’s family book, I would never have thought to find that face.
My thoughts were racing when I told them the truth.
I am sorry to say that I am the reason your father died. Hi, Linda. I killed him.
The happy look on Linda’s face changed to one of shock and confusion. I saw her face turn funny in front of me.
The woman asked, “Cole, what do you mean?” “My father passed away about 20 years ago.” How are you responsible for his death?”
If you remember, I told you that when I was ten, my family lived in Phoenix for about a year.
Susan and Linda both nodded.
He wasn’t working at the time, so we didn’t stay here for long. At the time, though, I loved riding my bike, so I always rode back a few blocks before dinner. I got into the wrong lane while riding one day because the sun was so bright and made it hard to see. I was in the middle of the road when another car turned and hit a tree to keep me safe.
I didn’t want to look at Linda or her mother, so I paused.
I pointed to the picture of Linda and her dad and said, “This picture.” “This was in the newspaper.” The next day, when I saw it, I knew the man had saved me. I do not know who called the ambulance, but I did sit on the bench and wait for them to leave. Then I took a walk home.”
Her mother said that Linda was still a child.
I told Linda, “Up until now, I didn’t know that he was your father.” “That’s when I saw this picture.”
It became very quiet in the room.
“I get it if you want to leave the wedding,” I told her. “Totally willing to assist Linda in any way,” It is impossible to let you go, even if we have to. And it’s not okay. “Yes, I know.”
Took a sip from my beer, Linda.
She took my hand and said, “I think our meeting was meant to be.” “And I think my dad reserved you for himself.” You rode a bike when you were a kid, and that’s not my problem. Aside from that, I can’t blame my dad for wanting to save you. I forgive you.”
I was deeply affected by what Linda said. While she was still standing, she gave me a hug.
I began to cry after that. Also, it was good for you.
Soon after, Linda’s mom joined the hug. It looked like she forgiven me, but I wasn’t sure if she would.
While I write my vows a week before our wedding, I’ve never been happier.
It may have been fate or just an accident, but knowing the man who saved my life’s family makes me feel better. I will now include his family in my own.