There is a lot of excitement when a new family member is coming home, especially for the oldest child who will have a friend for life.
In this touching story, Tiffany, a young girl, is overjoyed to welcome her cousin Marly Rose into the world. Tiffany is moved to tears as she holds the tiny bundle for the first time. She has tears in her eyes as she talks about how much she loves everything about Marly.
Bree Miller, Tiffany’s mother from California, brought her daughter to introduce her to the extended family and chose to capture the moment on video. She had no idea Tiffany would have such a strong emotional response.

There is a clear bond between these two cousins as Tiffany holds Marly close and protects her while the baby sleeps peacefully in her older cousin’s arms.
“You may tear up… This is what happens when you meet your new baby cousin for the first time and your emotions get the best of you!” Bree Miller wrote on her Instagram post, @chefbreemiller.”
Witnessing a young child’s genuine love is a beautiful sight. These two cousins are definitely going to become the best of friends!