Julianne Moore is admired and respected for her wide range and depth as an actress. She is seen as one of the most talented and versatile actresses of her age.

She is an influence and role model for many people because she broke new ground as a woman in the entertainment business.

Julianne Moore recently gave an honest interview to The Sunday Times in which she talked about accepting her age and the good changes that come with it.

The star’s 60th birthday was during the pandemic, so she didn’t do much to celebrate.

In addition to her husband, Moore has a 23-year-old son named Caleb and a 19-year-old daughter named Liv.

Ageism is common in Hollywood, and it happens a lot to female stars. Moore did say, though, that she is not scared of getting older.

She said, “It seems so silly to talk about it as a bad thing when it is a privilege to keep getting older.”

“The phrase “aging gently” sounds just like passing away.”

Can you think of a rude way to get older? Of course, we don’t have a choice. “Getting older is something that can’t be stopped, so it’s neither good nor bad, it just is,” Moore said.

She has also said that her old agent once told her that directors wouldn’t want to cast her in parts because she wasn’t pretty enough.

“Apparently people kept asking, ‘Could she be more beautiful?'” It made her think, “Oh no, I don’t think I have much control over that,” she said.

It was a lucky day for me, but she also said, “I hate to keep beating that ‘there’s nothing for women out there’ drum, because I feel like the more you say it, the more realistic it becomes.”

“My mother has a lot to do with it because she wouldn’t let us go in the sun,” Julianne said about how she stays pretty as she ages.

“I mirror her features, and she couldn’t be out in the sun.” In addition to a hat, I put sunscreen on my face every day.

The redhead also said that she uses microneedling and radio frequency on her face and eats a lot of fish and vegetables.

“But I’m not that good, I like wine,” she also said. I attempt to focus on things that make me joyful.

She told the newspaper that she had hit some important life milestones later in life than some of her peers. As she got closer to 40, she married Freundlich and had her first child.

The woman says, “I’ve been so lucky, I really have.” “When I was younger, I worked hard and was very focused.” I was persistent and consistent. I was always on time and ready for a tryout. Everything was going great.

“But my personal life wasn’t going well, and it wasn’t until I was in my early 30s that I said, ‘I want that too.'” And I wanted to be with someone who also wanted to have kids.

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