British woman Tressa Middleton has become the youngest mother in the UK. In 2006, the girl got pregnant by her brother Jason, who was 16 years old. From the time she was seven years old, her brother sexually abused her, but she was too scared to tell anyone. The girl thought that her mom already had enough problems. At the time, Tracy Tallons was having a hard time with drug and alcohol abuse and didn’t have time for her kids.
Tresse got pregnant when she was 11 years old and had a girl. The little girl was given to a home, and James was jailed for four years. Only after two years had passed could Tressa tell that the child’s father is her own brother. A DNA test proved that Jason was James’ father. Tressa took a long time to get better after these terrible events. It was hard for her, and she drank and did drugs.

In 2011, the girl met Darren, the man she would marry. After getting help from a professional, Tressa set up her life. After a year, she lost the baby. Her mother died of pneumonia three days after that. After going through these terrible events, Tressa felt stronger and thought about a kid again. After four years, Arianna was born. It’s bad for Tressa that her mom has never seen her child. After all, Tracey was there for her daughter when she had her first child.
It was hard to lose both a kid and a mother in the same week. Also, it hurt to think that my mom would never meet Arianna. She would have liked and been proud of her granddaughter, I’m sure. When I had my first daughter, she was with me. When Arianna was born, I missed having my mom around. I think about my mom all the time, and there are many times I wish I could share with her, like the first time Arianna laughed. Arianna said she was pleased with the birth of her daughter, but the thought of having her first child kept her busy.
When Arianna was born, I was filled with pure joy. There were times I felt like I would never give birth again. I feel bad that Arianna is with me while my older daughter is not. The first thing I think about in the morning is her, and the last thing I think about before bed is her. I’ll always be her mom because I love her. Without her, I can’t be happy. It hurts me to think about Arianna growing up without her big sister.
Tressa wants the sisters to meet and be with each other one day. For now, the mom only has memories and a few of the baby’s things. The things that Tressa remembers about her daughter are her handprint, her clothes, and a piece of her hair.
Arianna will always know that she has a big sister. And I’m already telling her about it, even though she doesn’t get it yet. They couldn’t be more different. Arianna is calm and happy, while the first girl was very loud. She and her sister would play together if her sister were here, I tell her. I make fun of the idea that Arianna would follow her, which would probably make them both mad. I hope they get to meet one day. It’s very important to me. Tressa is going to do everything she can to give her daughter Arianna the happy childhood she knew she missed so much. The girl doesn’t think badly of her mom, though.
I want Arianna to have a normal childhood where she feels safe and loved. There was no way my mom could win this fight. I loved her very much. I sometimes just wanted to watch TV and go to bed at the same time every night like other families. She already had a lot on her plate, so I couldn’t tell her everything that was bothering me. I really hope Arianna doesn’t has to go through what I did. There are things I wish she didn’t keep from me.
This is how Tressa will always remember her first baby. She hadn’t seen her since the girl was three years old.
I had no idea that was the last time I would see her. She was scared and didn’t know who I was. I couldn’t hug her, so I moved away to talk to her. The worst part was that when she cried and called for “mummy,” she really meant her foster mom. I couldn’t even say “mummy loves you” out loud for fear of making her feel bad.
The girl is now 11 years old. She sends her gifts for Christmas and her birthday every year, but she hasn’t heard back in three years. The girl hopes that her foster parents didn’t tell the child about how terrible her mother was.
They shouldn’t tell her that I got pregnant because Jason raped me, please. She shouldn’t read about it in the paper. I believe I need to tell her myself. When she’s old enough, I want to tell her everything. When it comes to Arianna, I’d rather she not know about my past. She needs to live her own life, and she’s my fresh start.