Barbra Streisand, a renowned figure in Hollywood, recently stirred up controversy with her online defense of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Streisand claimed that Willis was being unfairly targeted by conservatives who were attempting to use her personal life to discredit her professionally.
In a post on X, the singer and actress expressed her support for Willis, asserting that the only thing Willis was guilty of was having a private relationship with Nathan Wade, a prosecutor she hired for the investigation of Trump and 18 others accused of racketeering related to Georgia’s 2020 election results.
“How absurd that Republicans want to see Fani Willis fired. For what reason? Is it because they think a woman can’t maintain both a private and professional life? Men do it all the time! This is ridiculous,” Streisand wrote on Monday.
She further commented, “Trump and his supporters are attacking DA Fani Willis, who is prosecuting him for trying to overturn the election results in Georgia. Her private relationship with one of the prosecutors has nothing to do with the case itself or Trump’s blatant attempt to pressure the Secretary of State to ‘find’ more votes and present false electors to Congress. This is just another distraction by Trump.”