While traveling through Cambodia, Elliot Costello had a life-changing encounter with a young girl named Thea. Her bright smile and painted nails masked a dark secret: she had been a victim of sexual assault. This meeting sparked a fire within Elliot, inspiring him to launch a global movement to combat child abuse.
Thea’s story resonated deeply with Elliot, and he vowed to remember her and her struggles by painting one of his nails. This small act of solidarity evolved into the #PolishedMan movement, where men paint one nail to represent the one in five children who will experience sexual abuse.
Polished Man’s mission is to challenge violent behavior and language, both locally and globally, to end sexual violence against children. Elliot emphasizes that men, who are responsible for 96% of this type of violence, must be at the forefront of change.
The painted nail serves as a conversation starter, raising awareness about child abuse and inspiring new prevention strategies. Elliot’s ultimate goal is to support educational programs and resources for child survivors of abuse through donations.

As the movement gains momentum, Elliot hopes to enlist more men, including influential figures, to join the cause. Together, they can create a wave of change and protect the world’s most vulnerable citizens.
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