Amidst the ongoing rift within the Royal Family, King Charles made a thoughtful gesture to mark his granddaughter Princess Lilibet’s third birthday. Despite not being invited to the celebration, he sent a special gift and a heartfelt message to commemorate the occasion.
Royal expert Tom Quinn revealed that King Charles wanted to make sure Lilibet felt remembered on her special day. “He didn’t want to ignore her birthday entirely,” Quinn said.
The king’s gift was a unique and thoughtful present, one that he hopes to build upon in the future when the family feud subsides.
The birthday celebration, hosted by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at their California home, was a star-studded affair with guests like Orlando Bloom, Katy Perry, Ellen DeGeneres, and Oprah Winfrey in attendance.
However, noticeably absent were members of the Royal Family, who didn’t receive invitations.
King Charles’ gift was a poignant reminder of his love and connection to his granddaughter, despite the current tensions within the family.
It’s a gesture that speaks volumes about his commitment to being a devoted grandfather, even from a distance.