In a heartwarming moment, Ryan Reynolds publicly shared the name of his youngest child, Olin, at the New York City premiere of Deadpool & Wolverine. The actor expressed gratitude for his family’s presence, hoping the movie’s content would be the most traumatic experience his children would face.
A Growing Family
Reynolds, 47, and his wife Blake Lively, 36, have four children: James (9), Inez (7), Betty (4), and now Olin. The couple welcomed their fourth child in February, just five months after announcing Lively’s pregnancy.
A Family Affair
During the premiere, Reynolds acknowledged his family’s support, saying, “I love that my entire family is here.” In a previous interview, he shared their enthusiasm for parenthood, stating, “We’re very excited… If we hadn’t figured it out by now, I think we’d be in deep, deep trouble.”
A Surprise Until the End
The couple has a tradition of not learning the baby’s sex until birth. Reynolds mentioned, “We never find out until (the baby is born)… I’m ready for whatever happens.” Congratulations to the happy family on the arrival of little Olin!