A devastating incident in Michigan has left a community in shock and a mother grieving the loss of her six-year-old son. The young boy, Rowan Milford Morey, was found dead alongside his father, Michael Steven Winchell, in a camper on the father’s property. The police are investigating the case as a murder-suicide.
A Desperate Search
The boy’s mother contacted the authorities on August 19 after Winchell failed to return Rowan to her on time. A multi-day search effort ensued, with deputies scouring Winchell’s house and surrounding areas. Despite their efforts, they were unable to locate the pair.
A Heartbreaking Discovery
On August 21, family members joined the search and discovered an isolated camper on the property. Upon breaking a window, they found Winchell’s lifeless body. Police forced entry and tragically found Rowan deceased as well.
A Mother’s Grief
Rowan’s mother took to Facebook to express her gratitude for the prayers and support, but also shared her unbearable pain. “Unfortunately, our fears were confirmed, and Rowan has been found but is no longer with us.” The community is left wondering how a father could commit such a heinous act against his own child.
Investigation Ongoing
While the initial reports suggest Winchell shot his son before taking his own life, the case is still under investigation. The motive behind this senseless act remains unknown, leaving a family and community to pick up the pieces and try to make sense of the unimaginable tragedy.