An Ohio guy adopted five foster children to keep them together.

After his mother’s alcoholism forced him and his two brothers into foster care, Robert Carter, a Cincinnati hair stylist and salon owner who specializes in hair loss, knows what it’s like. Carter thanks Yahoo Life for his journey.

“[Foster care] had nothing but positive consequences on me… “That was better than with my mum,” he says. Foster care gave me three of my dearest friends. Foster care introduced me to everyone I know. I don’t know if I would have became a foster parent with the understanding and insight I have without going through foster care myself.”

Carter became a foster parent after getting custody of his younger sister at 18 and his brother at 21. In December 2018, he fostered Robert, Giovanni, and Kiontae, his now three sons.

“This will be our third Christmas together,” he says.

Carter was informed before their placement with him that the children had troubles at two other foster homes, including destroying one of their foster parents’ homes, which got them booted out. However, the boys never misbehaved. After his son Robert was comfortable, he made a life-changing admission.

“He told me that they had sisters,” Carter recalls, and he immediately began working with job and family services and Marionna and Makayla’s foster mothers to organize a reunion at a local elementary school. An tearful reunion.

“They just hugged and cried, and that’s when I knew I had to accept all five so they could stay together ‘cause they couldn’t find someone to take them all. I loved them and had been through everything they had. “When I was in foster care, my youngest brother was two, and I didn’t see him again until he was 16 and I wasn’t going to allow that happen to them,” he recalls.

Carter adopted his five siblings on Friday, National Adoption Day. A Hamilton County Jobs & Family Services spokeswoman termed Carter’s love “really selfless and inspiring.”

“Adoption forms new families, and in this case, keeps families whole,” the statement stated. Mr. Carter’s devotion and generosity in keeping the siblings together is tremendous. Many children need adoption. No need to adopt five kids. Adoptive parents adore their children forever. Mr. Carter has inspired others to help families and change lives.”

Carter is shocked by the support he has received since the adoption, but he hopes to inspire single parents who are unsure about adoption.

Many believe you must be married to adopt or foster. He says, “No matter the situation, as long as you have the means to take care of a child [you may] become a foster parent.” “Ohio has 400 youngsters in custody looking for forever homes. I’m glad I could motivate others to step up.”

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