A picture of the moment a forklift fell on him and cut him in half was shared by the man.

Loren Schauers, from Wilsall, Montana, was driving a forklift when he was in a terrible accident in 2019. He fell off a bridge.

The man, who was 21 years old, fell 50 feet to the ground below. When he hit, his lower body and one arm were crushed.

Loren finally decided to have a hemicorperectomy, which is an operation that removes the entire lower half of a patient’s body. This was just in time to save his life. Now, he and his wife Sabia post videos on YouTube about their daily lives. They have more than 540,000 followers.

The Daily Star said that Loren shared an Instagram photo of the moment he almost died in the forklift accident. The photo showed what happened after he got too close to the edge of a bridge because of traffic and fell off while in the truck.

Loren said that the picture shows that he is still stuck under the forklift. “If you look closely at the second photo, you can see that I am still stuck under the forklift,” he said.

Loren and his wife shared a Q&A on YouTube. In it, they talked about the question Loren gets asked most often: how does he go to the bathroom without genitals?

Sabia was the first to ask the question. She said, “Since our first video, the biggest question people have had is how Loren goes to the bathroom.”

Loren said, “I had a colostomy, which means my stomach was taken out of my body so I could go to the bathroom. I also have two nephrostomies, which are tubes that go into my kidneys and drain them into bags. This is how I poop, pee, and fart. His wife then said that changing Loren’s colostomy bags is one way she can take care of his complicated digestive system.

The couple is bound to be asked if Loren has any private parts. “We get questions like, ‘does he have any private parts?’ He has lost his legs below the waist. “If that didn’t answer your questions, you can look up hemicorporectomy on the Internet,” Sabia said.

Even though Loren was seriously hurt in the accident, the pair was still able to grow and thrive together afterward. When Loren was killed under the forklift, they had only been together for about 18 months, but they stuck together through good times and bad and got married in 2021.

“Going through this together has definitely made a lot of our relationship stronger,” Sabia said. “It has also made us much more grateful for the little things that we used to take for granted as a couple.”

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