Have you ever thought why you keep falling for the same type of person, even though you’ve been hurt and let down before? The answer might be in the stars. Let’s look at why each sign of the zodiac might be more likely to fall for the wrong person.

What's stopping you from falling in love, as per your zodiac sign | The  Times of India

Aries (March 21 to April 19)
Aries are born between March 21 and April 19. Mars, the god of war, is the ruler of the Aries zodiac sign, so Aries are naturally adventurous and fierce. Their lively, burning energy is a part of who they are, which makes them a force to be reckoned with.

These active people are naturally drawn to adventure, new things, and being spontaneous. They are always looking for the thrill of the next interesting thing to do. This trait often works like a magnet, drawing them to other rebellious, spontaneous people who also have a sense of excitement and are hard to predict.

This can show up in many ways, from people who like to take risks and seek thrills to people who are always changing and living life on their own terms. Aries can’t help but be drawn to people who are so active and interesting, and their bold and unusual ways are hard to resist.

“Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Taurus, which is controlled by Venus, has a strong preference for comfort, luxury, and the better things in life”. This is an earth sign, and because it is grounded and practical, it tends to be drawn to people who can give it a sense of security and material wealth.

It’s not unusual for a Taurus to be attracted to the idea of a safe, comfortable life, which they may sometimes value more than inner depth.

This could lead them, consciously or unconsciously, to partners who are emotionally unavailable or lack the real, heartfelt connection that is needed for a successful relationship.

A Taurus might be attracted to partners who can provide a high standard of living or give the impression of being successful and reliable, but who may not be emotionally attuned or able to make a real emotional connection.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Gemini, the Twins’ sign, is known for its natural curiosity and deep love of intellectual excitement and variety. Because they want to learn and try new things all the time, they are often drawn to smart, charismatic speakers.

But Geminis can sometimes miss the depth of a person’s character in their search for interesting and lively talk. This can lead them to fall for people who are good at telling interesting stories and captivating stories, but who aren’t exactly sincere or grounded in reality.

Geminis can sometimes find themselves in relationships with people who seem lovely and deep at first, but who are actually manipulative or only out for themselves. These people know exactly what to say to get a Gemini’s attention, playing on the fact that Geminis love to have interesting conversations and think about things.

They often put on a great show, a big illusion that seems to give Geminis the intellectual stimulation they need. But underneath this surface, they may not have the depth or honesty that are the basis of a truly meaningful connection.

Cancer (21 June to 22 July)
Cancers are caring and have a lot of feelings. They might fall in love with people who need help or emotional support and think that the part of caretaker is a real romantic connection. This could lead them to relationships that drain them more than they give them joy.

Leo is from “July 23 to August 22.
Leos are born leaders” who want to be admired and praised. This could cause them to choose partners who feed their egos but don’t really care about them. They may end up in situations where they are liked on the surface but not truly loved and understood.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Analytical Virgos have a natural urge to fix things and make them better. They might like “projects” or people they think they can help or change. This can make them end up in bad relationships where they get more than they give.

“Libra (September 23 to October 22)
Libras are the sign of balance and partnerships, so” they may put the wants of others ahead of their own. They might keep getting involved with people who take advantage of how nice they are and end up in one-sided relationships where there is no respect or exchange.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)
Scorpios, who are mysterious, like things that are strong and deep. Because of how magnetic they are, they might be drawn to complicated, secretive people, which could lead to relationships that are confused, chaotic, and emotionally draining.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
As the explorer of the zodiac, Sagittarius may fall for people who offer adventure but aren’t ready to commit. Their desire for freedom and adventure can sometimes lead them into relationships that aren’t safe and don’t have a strong base.

“Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)
Capricorns are known for being hard-working and” goal-oriented. They may be attracted to people who seem successful or accomplished, putting status ahead of an emotional bond. This could lead them to have relationships that are cold, shallow, and lack real warmth and love.

(January 20–February 18) Aquarius
Aquarians are a sign of the zodiac that is known for being very independent and giving to others. They are often attracted to people who push social norms and question established structures.

Their unique outlook on life and their out-of-the-box ways of thinking can lead them into relationships that aren’t what most people would expect. This could include non-traditional ways of being in a relationship, unusual ways of living, or friendships based on helping others instead of romantic love.

What are the features you look for in a partner, based on your zodiac sign  | The Times of India

But these unusual relationships may not always meet the Aquarian’s deep emotional needs, even if they are mentally satisfying and socially challenging. Even though Aquarians are known for their intellectual and somewhat distant approach to love, they have a deep-seated need for emotional connection and closeness.

Due to their focus on independence and broad social issues, this inner need for emotional closeness may go unnoticed or unaddressed.

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Pisces (19 Feb. – 20 Mar.)
Pisces are the thinkers of the zodiac, so they might fall in love with people based on their dreams instead of what they are like in real life. They may be attracted to people who are hard to get to know, which can lead to relationships that are disappointing and mentally unbalanced.

Remember that your zodiac sign can give you some clues about how you act in relationships, but it doesn’t decide your fate. Everyone can learn from what they’ve done in the past and make better decisions as a result.

So, the next time you feel attracted to someone, don’t forget to dig deeper to make sure they are really the right person for you.

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