Stockton Rush is the CEO of OceanGate, the company that runs the Titanic tour. He is married to the granddaughter of an old couple who were on the Titanic and died when it sank. Isidor and Ida Straus, who helped start Macy’s, had a great-great-granddaughter named Wendy Rush.

In James Cameron’s famous movie “Titanic,” the elderly couple chose to hug each other as the water started to rise around them.

As the search for the lost underwater vessel in the Atlantic Ocean goes on, more details about the CEO’s family have come to light. At the time of the shipwreck, the submarine was carrying 5 people, including the CEO, Pakistani millionaire Dawood and his son, French Navy veteran PH Nargeolet, and Hamish Harding.

Wife Of Titan's Pilot Is Great-Granddaughter Of The Elderly Couple Embracing On Bed When Titanic Sunk

Minnie, the daughter of one of Macy’s founders, is a relative of Wendy Rush. Dr. Richard Weil III’s daughter Wendy got married to Stockton in 1986.

The old couple was the richest couple on the Titanic. They and other people who were going back to the US from Germany also died. Isidor said that women and children deserve more, so the beautiful pair turned down seats on the lifeboat even though they were given priority. His wife wouldn’t leave without him, though.

They gave Ida’s mink to their maid Elled Bird as she got away in the rowboat. Eyewitnesses said they saw the couple give each other one last hug before the ship went down totally.

Wife Of Titan's Pilot Is Great-Granddaughter Of The Elderly Couple Embracing On Bed When Titanic Sunk

On May 13, 1912, a funeral service was held at Carnegie Hall in New York City. When so many people came to mourn, it was “impressive and solemn.”

Paul A. Kurzman, the man’s great-grandson, said on NBC’s The Today Show, “When my great-grandmother Ida got into the lifeboat, she thought her husband would follow.”

Wife Of Titan's Pilot Is Great-Granddaughter Of The Elderly Couple Embracing On Bed When Titanic Sunk

“When he didn’t follow, she was very worried, and the ship’s officer in charge of lowering that lifeboat said, ‘Well, Mr. Straus, you’re an old man… everyone knows who you are… You can get in the rowboat with your wife, of course.'”

Wife Of Titan's Pilot Is Great-Granddaughter Of The Elderly Couple Embracing On Bed When Titanic Sunk

“No,’ said my great-grandfather. “I will not get into a lifeboat until I see that every woman and child on this ship is in one.”

Wife Of Titan's Pilot Is Great-Granddaughter Of The Elderly Couple Embracing On Bed When Titanic Sunk

In 2018, OceanGate fired a director who asked for more tests to make sure the Titan submarine was safe.

Wife Of Titan's Pilot Is Great-Granddaughter Of The Elderly Couple Embracing On Bed When Titanic Sunk

David Lochridge asked the company to let a third party check the submersible, but the company said no. The Marine Operations Director

Wife Of Titan's Pilot Is Great-Granddaughter Of The Elderly Couple Embracing On Bed When Titanic Sunk

He is one of two workers who have worried about the safety of the ship, which has been missing for days.

Wife Of Titan's Pilot Is Great-Granddaughter Of The Elderly Couple Embracing On Bed When Titanic Sunk

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