People who grew up in snowy areas know how much fun it is to play snow games in the cold, and they have many of memories to share. Snow activities are endless, from building forts and castles to rolling down hills. It also makes the holidays more exciting!
According to internet criticism of some police officers, snow fun should be done at the correct place and time, regardless of age.
Staff at St. Paul’s Church in west Hackney filmed six men in uniform playing snowball fight near the Stoke Newington police station in northwest Hackney, northeast London, England, in December 2022. These men were Met Police.

The video shows police officers on leave tossing snowballs at each other after stopping at a park. Two female officers chasing each other started tossing balls. Two male officers soon joined the fun. Fifth officer followed. Six officers were seen.
“Police van arrived. Six cops left. Then, a witness informed the Daily Mail.
Police received a report after appearing to be having fun.
See the whole video at the conclusion.
Viewers of the video criticized the officers for playing while in uniform. Locals chastised them.
After the outrage, the church that released the video of police officers tossing snowballs at each other erased it.
“A member of the public submitted our footage to The Met and sought “disciplinary action,” a representative told the Daily Mail. “We erased the tweet.”
Scotland Yard, “the territorial police force responsible for policing Greater London’s 32 boroughs,” has spoken to the police officers, according to the Daily Mail.
Nonetheless, some deemed it unnecessary to report or protest about them.
“The Met was informed? “Good goodness, there are some extremely sad people around,” one added.
“You’d be amazed, but the cops have these worn communication devices called ‘radios’ so they can be notified promptly if needed,” another person said.
The Daily Mail said that a Metropolitan Police official confirmed that the officers were on break.
The spokeswoman said the footage was shot near Stoke Newington Police Station when the policemen were on break.
Nonetheless, the police stated they have already instructed their personnel to act professionally even on breaks.
The spokeswoman stated that officers are allowed relaxation but have been reminded to act properly while in uniform.