Acne is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Even though acne can be caused by lifestyle choices and the surroundings, it can sometimes point to health problems inside the body.
Viral Strange has put together some helpful information that will help you figure out why your acne shows up in 8 different places on your body. Please make sure to see a doctor for more medical help and advice.
1. Right on target
Our noses have bigger holes than the rest of our faces. Bacteria find it easier to get stuck in holes that are bigger. Also, the skin is oilier and more likely to break out in acne.
Acne on the nose could be caused by worry or diet, but most of the time it’s because of bad hygiene. You could add Tea Tree Oil or sodium sulfacetamide and sulfur to your skin care routine to stop germs from growing.
2.On the top of the head
The reason you get acne on your face is because your skin makes too much oil. If acne on the forehead isn’t caused by drugs, stress, or hormones, it could be because of oily hair. The oil from the hair could get on the forehead and plug the pores there.
On the other hand, acne on the face could be caused by using the wrong cleansers, waxes, or gels. Try to find the right cleanser for this area, or stay away from items that make your hair oily.
3. Near the mouth
You might get rid of that acne if you stop touching the area around your mouth. Yes. It could also be due to hormones or genes. You can also get acne around your mouth from using musical instruments or makeup.
Make sure to use a gentle cleanser to clean your face. Use items that won’t clog your pores and don’t have any oil in them. See a dermatologist if you have acne in this place often.
4. Neck and jaw
Well… Hormones that are out of whack cause acne on the jaw and neck. Because of these changes, there are more androgens in the body.
Acne might show up around the jaw or neck when a woman is having her period or taking birth control. A good cleanser that doesn’t cause acne and a treatment for acne can be a good option.
5. On the face
The first thing that can lead to acne is touching your face. Second, having acne on your cheeks could also be caused by dirty sheets or pillows. Also, if you use a phone that is close to your face, the bacteria could spread.
Then again, it could be hormones. You can get rid of acne or stop it from happening if you change some of your habits. How? Wipe your phone. Frequently wash your hands. You should change your sheets often.
6. Behind you
Acne on the back could be caused by an allergy to creams or other makeup. But the acne might also be caused by the sweat we make. When our sweat mixes with the toxins on our skin, the pores get clogged. Wash your back the right way.
On the other hand, not taking care of yourself might also cause acne on the back. Skin irritations caused by dirty clothes and sheets can lead to acne. Acne on the back can also be caused by dirty clothes, blankets, and pillows. Stress can also be added to the mix.
7. On legs
Acne on the legs is a problem with the body. Most of the time, legs get irritated and get bacteria when they rub against clothes or gear.
Acne is not the same as folliculitis, eczema, or keratosis pilaris. So, acne that hurts and itches should be checked out by a doctor.
8. On your chest
Many things are more likely to bother sensitive skin on the chest. Acne on the chest could be caused by the soaps we use to wash our clothes or by wearing clothes that are too tight. Choose hypoallergenic laundry items that don’t have sulfates or fragrances.
Also, some body products might have ingredients that block pores. Carefully choose makeup that don’t make your skin oily or clog your pores.
Do any of these parts of your body have acne? Did you learn more about why they show up because of this article? Use the space below to tell us more.