The world’s unconventional couples undoubtedly refute any research that claims individuals choose life partners who have more in common with them.
While same-sex and inter-racial unions are increasingly popular, the ten out-of-the-ordinary couples on this list push the envelope even farther.
1. Anna Haining Swan and Martin Van Buren
According to reliable sources like the Guinness Book of World Records, Martin Buren, popularly known as the “Kentucky Giant,” was renowned for his gigantic height, standing “7 feet and 7.5 inches tall and weighing 149 kg. The” fact that he wed an equally enormous woman named Anna Haining Swan, though, makes him even more remarkable.
Due to their enormous size, their union produced one of history’s most amazing couples. Despite some parents’ concerns that their offspring would grow to be giants, Anna gave birth to a healthy kid. Nevertheless, this lovely duo continues to be one of history’s most alluring couples.
Safia Abdulleh and Ahmed Muhammed Dore are two.

The enormous age difference “between the husband and wife makes this marriage one of the most amazing couples in the world”. When Ahmed Muhammed Dore, a Somalian who was born in the 18th century, wed Sofia Abdullah, then 17 years old, he reached the age of 112, making him one of the world’s oldest persons. How “a girl as young as Sofia could wed a man who is nearly a century older than her” is almost beyond comprehension.
Dore had five wives, three of whom had died “at the time of the marriage, and he had already fathered 13 children”. In addition, his 80-year-old oldest son had passed away. They have the greatest age disparity of any pair in history, making them really one of a kind.
3. Elisabetta Gregoraci and Flavio Briatore
Italian businessman Flavio began his career in Italy as an insurance salesman and restaurant management. “He is now a highly successful and affluent individual. On the other side, his wife, Gregoraci, started her career as a dancer on the Italian television program, Libero. She has unfortunately been accused of providing sexual favors in exchange for a position as a showgirl for the major public television organization of Italy, RAI. When she” wed the much older Flavio, many people immediately branded her a gold digger.
Despite this, it is clear from their photos that they are truly in love and that their relationship is happy and prosperous. This pair is on the list because it is unusual for a young lady to marry an older guy for his love rather than his fortune, which makes their relationship both extraordinary and improbable.
4. Jenna Bentley and Ben Brown
With supermodel Jenna Bentley making news with her new lover, there are more cases of attractive young women dating wealthy older men coming to light. Although they both appear “to be sincerely in love with one another, the reality is difficult to accept. Why would a woman as attractive and seductive as Jenna Bentley decide to” date a guy like Ben Brown?
5. China Bell and Anton Kraft
A 4-foot dwarf guy and a 6.3-foot transgender woman form an uncommon and unusual couple in the globe. The strongest man in his class is champion weightlifter Anton Kraft, who can lift four times his body weight.
China Bell, his partner, had a gender transformation after being born a man. They are the only couple of their sort that is known to exist. This couple is tremendously motivating and proof that love knows no boundaries, regardless of race, gender, age, or height, despite their disparities.
6. Mindie Kniss and “Sean Stephenson
Sean, a therapist, self-help author, and motivational speaker” from the United States, is barely “three feet tall and uses a wheelchair to” go around since “he was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, a rare disorder that” causes brittle bones.
Despite this, Sean’s lovely and typical wife from Arizona claims that he “is one of the most sexually active men she has ever met. Due to” Sean’s limitations, this might surprise a lot of people, but the couple claims they enjoy a fantastic dating relationship.
Marjorie McCool and Kyle Jones are seven.
One sticks out as the most odd among the different examples of couples with a considerable age gap. Unbelievably, Kyle Jones is dating Marjorie McCool, his grandma who is over 60 years older than him. You did read that correctly.
This duo is absolutely bizarre because Kyle Jones has openly admitted that he has an intimate relationship with his grandma. They are undoubtedly the only pair on the earth with such a relationship since they are so exceptional. They are now officially on the list of the weirdest couples ever thanks to this.
The Butzkis, Paul and 8.
Maria Butzki is a woman who defies social conventions by showing affection to both her ex-boyfriend Peter and her current spouse Paul. Maria couldn’t imagine living without either of her relationships, even though it’s uncommon to see people living together with their ex-partners and current partners. She goes one step farther in her love by sleeping with both men. Even though it’s unclear how long this unusual partnership will last, Maria, Paul, and Peter all appear happy with their choice.
9. Victor and Gabriela Peralta
Although Gabriela and Victor are not your typical people, their current relationship just serves to increase the intrigue surrounding them. They are truly a unique pair, holding the world record for the most tattoos and bodily alterations. Gabriela has 65% of her body covered with tattoos, compared to Victor’s 90% body coverage.
They may seem like an unusual couple, but they have been together for almost 20 years, making them deserving of a spot among the world’s most unusual couples.
10. Sheba and Amanda Rodgers
The couple at the top of our ranking is Amanda Rodgers and Sheba. The problem is that Sheba is a dog, not your typical life companion. Formerly married to a man, British woman Amanda Rodgers considered her marriage to be a huge disaster. She therefore made the unusual choice of choosing a non-human companion. She responded, “”Sheba had been in my life for years, making me laugh and comforting me when I was feeling low. That’s why I” chose to marry a dog instead of a man. There is nothing else I could possibly need in a life companion.
Do you have any unusual couples in mind that you’d want to add to the list? Please tell us in the comments.