Artem and Daria got people’s attention on the internet by sharing pictures of their child. Unlike her father, Dasha is a grown-up girl who is in good health.

Our main character told Artem, who is known for being funny and a good father, that she had never really thought about how he looked.

When their child was born, Dasha’s fans were confused because they thought the child must be from someone else because children should look like their fathers. On the Internet, Daria made it clear that her husband is the child’s real father.

Even though some people have said bad things about Artem and Daria online, they keep updating their Instagram fans on their life. It is important to note that Artem is very busy and works from home.

His wife and their young children depend on him because he works as a coder. This lovely pair deserves patience and happiness right now.

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