Shortly after the pictures went viral, the actor’s many fans defended him, saying that his humility is his best quality and that this is how he lives his life.

Everyone knows the star doesn’t care about money, fancy clothes, or expensive cars. It’s not unusual for him to be seen eating, drinking, and talking with homeless people alongside them.

Also, the actor gave an amazing 70% of his earnings from the first “Matrix” movie to help fund research into leukemia after his sister Kim fought this terrible disease for 10 years.

The famous actor has also started a charity to help people who are facing cancer since then.

My personal foundation has been around for five or six years and has helped a number of children’s hospitals and cancer studies. For Ladies Home Journal, he said, “I don’t like putting my name on it; I just let the foundation do what it does and help people in need.”

His many fans will love him no matter what he looks like because he is our icon and the kindest man in the movie business. Hugs and kisses to Keanu!!!

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