The media has been interested in Angelina Jolie’s life a lot, from her public divorce from Brad Pitt to the custody fight over their six children.

In 2000, she kissed her brother James Haven in public after getting an Oscar, which got a lot of attention. This act showed how close they were, a bond that was formed when they had to deal with their angry father as kids.

Haven talked about their dad, Jon Voight, and said that he got angry easily and focused on their flaws instead of their strengths. The brothers became close after their parents split up in 1976, standing up to their father and looking out for their mother. After their mother died, their bond grew, but it got tense when Haven became Jolie and Pitt’s full-time nanny.

Haven had a difficult connection with his father, but he and Jolie stayed close. Jolie kissed Brad Pitt in public when she won an Oscar for “Girl, Interrupted,” showing her love for her brother. Haven and Jolie have been each other’s main sources of support their whole lives.

Since they were kids, only two years apart, they’ve always been there for each other, especially after their parents split up when Jolie was two. Haven joked that he might not have found the right woman because his sister is so picky. When their mother died in 2007, they wore her jewelry to Jolie’s wedding to remember her.

Haven took care of Jolie and Pitt’s kids while they were negotiating their divorce. But it was said that he was fired after a year, and his friendship with Jolie grew cold.

Close sources still don’t know why they are pulling away. Haven was an actress for a short time, but he quit and became a Christian, which is said to have changed his relationship with his father.

Haven has had a big effect on Jolie’s life, even though they don’t talk to each other much right now. Jennifer Pitt and Angelina Jolie named their daughter Shiloh, which is the name of Haven. While they were in Italy, Haven also tried to get Jolie and her separated father to get back together.

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