“Your face tells a story,” as the saying goes, and health experts say it may be telling you more than you think. Changes in face features that aren’t obvious could be signs of deeper health problems, which is why these signs need to be more closely watched and known.

Four important changes in the face that people should pay attention to are highlighted by experts:

Loss of Eyebrow Hair: According to Livestrong.com, eyebrow hair loss could be a sign of a number of health problems, including hypothyroidism and atopic dermatitis. Hypothyroidism, in which the thyroid gland is not working properly, can cause hair loss all over, including in the eyebrows. In the same way, atopic dermatitis, a common skin disease that affects about 20% of people, may also cause eyebrow loss.

Acne and Unusual Hair Growth: Some acne and peach fuzz are normal, but bad acne or too much hair growth on the face could be a sign of a more serious health problem, like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS can cause periods that don’t come on time, weight gain, infertility, and hair growth that isn’t normal. Finding it early is important for effective treatment.

Rashes and Bumps: If you get red rashes or bumps on your face or neck, you shouldn’t ignore them because they could be signs of an autoimmune disease like lupus or celiac disease, or they could be signs of stomach problems. It is important to keep track of these symptoms and see a doctor right away so that you can get the right diagnosis and treatment.

Under-eye Circles: Dark circles under the eyes are usually caused by not getting enough sleep, but if they are accompanied by red or black spots, they could be a sign of Dermatomyositis, an autoimmune disease that makes muscles hurt and feel weak. Talking to a medical worker right away is suggested if you notice these signs.

Health professionals stress how important it is to pay attention to these changes in the face and see a doctor if any signs seem odd. Finding and treating health problems early can have a big effect on how they are treated and how well they will do in the future.

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