Watch as a woman goes through the amazing experience of having multiple babies. The beauty of pregnancy shows itself as she cares for the growing lives inside her. Today, let’s honor these amazing moms who love and care for more than one person. You can join them on their Instagram adventures by following all of their amazing stories. Wanda, one of these amazing women, gave birth to twins when she was 35 weeks pregnant. The woman we’re looking at now was about 25 weeks pregnant with twins.
This woman had been pregnant with triplets for about 36 weeks. Betsy’s triplets were born healthy and went home two days later.
There were two babies inside this woman, and she was 20 weeks along. The O’Driscoll twins were???????????? 36 weeks.
When they were born, this mother was 34 weeks along with triplets; Charlotte’s triplets were also born at 34 weeks.
5. This pregnant woman with triplets who was 30 weeks along: Hayley had triplets when she was 33 weeks pregnant.
6. This woman who talked about how her pregnancy with triplets changed week by week… What were Maria’s triplets? two days after the picture above, when she was 35 weeks.
… After giving birth, Maria was very honest about her body: “Now I have the classic mum body: deflated breasts (I’ve gone down a cup size in bras), a sagging abdomen with loads of extra skin, a looser utt, a lack of muscles everywhere but the upper arms, hair loss, more visible veins on my legs, and the list goes on.” I can wear all of my old clothes again, but some of them don’t fit as well as they used to.” At 31 weeks, this woman gave birth to her four babies, who were already 29 weeks along.
This woman was 35 weeks pregnant with triplets. Erin gave birth to her triplets when she was 36 weeks pregnant.
This woman was 36 weeks along with her twins; Sierra’s twins were about 37 weeks along.
This woman had triplets and was just one day shy of 33 weeks pregnant. She gave birth four days after this video. Roxanne gave birth to three babies.