One man decided to ignore a bear on his land, unlike most others.
He befriended the bear.
Black bears are common and friendly in this section of America.
In Asheville, North Carolina, bears are multiplying and living alongside people.
In late summer 2017, a bear family began visiting Patrick Conley, almost becoming family.
This video shows Patrick’s bear Simone greeting him from the woods.
Patrick is used to this, but her astonishment was immense. Her first cubs followed!

Surprisingly seeing her family
Patrick thought the cubs were the cutest things ever to walk these woods, but he’s biassed.
Patrick considers Simone a close buddy, so seeing these cubs is like meeting new family.
Mama bear’s fearless.
Simone walks onto the porch with the cubs.
Simone comes onto Patrick’s porch, emphasising her ease and friendship with him.
Having never been here before, the cubs are more wary, yet they trust their mama.
Patrick is awestruck when all three bears greet him on the porch.

It’s astonishing how friendly a normally aloof animal can be.
The cubs are adapting and enjoying exploring.
The mama bear follows the cubs as they climb the nearest tree and play. Simone advises her new cubs to go home after exploring, climbing, and playing. The three return home to the forest.
Patrick notices Simone is well-fed and anticipates their return given how close they were to him.
See their early relationship.
His YouTube channel shows his first encounters with these bears.
We can follow Patrick’s trip with the bears from the start, and it’s incredible.
Maïté, the grandmother bear, has three bears: her big son Maurice, shy Solange, and Simone, who we see in the film.
Patrick must now name the two new family members. Stunning natural footage.