Great Father. Richard Johnson, a 21-year-old single father of a one-year-old girl, is more than that. He shared this beautiful Life of Dad Facebook post. He spent over 1,000 hours on YouTube studying how to braid hair and paint nails. This father is raising a lovely girl.
“I’m speechless. I got emotional reading everyone’s remarks. I want to cry and jump out of my chest as I write to you. Thank to everybody. I genuinely appreciate everyone’s words. This was the perfect remedy for my continual self-criticism about fatherhood. I was excited when Life of Dad told me they submitted my message. I never imagined so many would view it. How many would comment?
I was raised by a divorced single mother. I didn’t realize my father would leave when I was 6. Becoming a father was terrifying since I never had one. Especially because I was doing it alone. But that beautiful little child needed a parent who could be her rock and love her. I saw no alternative. I wasn’t sure I could survive the days. I cried many nights holding my daughter as she slept because I wasn’t sure I could be a good father. She crawled one night. She put her tiny palm on my cheek and peered at me. I took it as “Come on Daddy, we have a lot to do,” so I told her no more tears for any of us and we would battle to be joyful. We delivered. Life of Dad came a few days later. I’m grateful to everyone. I’d hug you rather than shake your hand. I’ll remember and treasure this forever. I’ll keep everything. This is beyond words. You all helped a father who was just trying his best. I owe everyone. Thank you.
Persephone/Richard Johnson
If you’re a single parent and feel overwhelmed or unworthy, reach out. Tell your lovely child you adore them. When someone relies on you and loves you more, you’ll be surprised at your strength. You’ll find strength where you didn’t”