A high school student from Arkansas recently drove for six hours to try to find the right dress for her prom. But when she got to the store she had been driving to all the way, she found that it was closed. On the other hand, because the store owner was kind, the young girl was able to leave the store wearing a beautiful dress that didn’t cost her a thing.
Whitley Lewis, who was 18 at the time, really wanted to wear a certain dress to her prom. However, she couldn’t find it in any of the stores near her home in Arkansas. She ended up buying the dress online in the end. She finally found the dress on the internet, but the only store that had it was in Mississippi, which was six hours away from where she was stationed.
Lewis and her mother made the long trip to the store in hopes of finding the dress of Lewis’s dreams there. Lewis was excited to buy this item. But when they got there, the store had already closed for the day, which was disappointing. When they heard the news, neither of them could believe it, and they didn’t know what to do next.
When that happened, the store’s owner, Regina Ballard, chose to step in and help. Even though the store was closed for the day, Ballard told Lewis and her mother to come inside when she saw them standing outside. After hearing about their journeys and the problems they had to deal with, Ballard decided to help them.
After talking to Lewis and learning more about her, Ballard made her an offer. The offer was to give Lewis the outfit she had come all the way there for for free. Lewis had gone all the way there to help the group. Lewis was so happy and thankful for the kind act that she said getting the $600 dress was like a dream come true. People have said that the dress has a mermaid shape.
Lewis told a local TV station reporter about how she felt, “I was crying and just so thankful.” “I just can’t understand why someone would do something like that for me. It makes me crazy.” I couldn’t believe that it was true.
Lewis thanked Ballard, who has owned the store for more than 30 years, for helping her prom night go well and told her she appreciated her help. Ballard has owned the store for more than 30 years. She told me, “It’s just what we do,” at the time. “We are a small business, and we do everything we can to make sure our customers are happy.”
The story of Ballard’s generosity quickly went viral, and a lot of people praised her for acting with humanity and kindness. On social media, someone said, “This is what the world needs more of,” which is a very true statement. “Small acts of kindness that make a big difference.”
Lewis, who will graduate from high school this year, said that the experience has taught her an important lesson about how kind people can be who she doesn’t know. After thinking about it for a while, she said, “I learned that there are still good people in the world.” It’s hard for me to understand why she would treat me that way, and the fact that she did is definitely something I will never forget.