After telling everyone a year ago that his mother had Glioblastoma, Grant Hill, a former NBA star, is sad today because she has died. Janet Hill was married to former NFL player Calvin Hill. She was well-liked in many towns, where she was known as a generous donor and devoted board member. Fans are still sending love and support to her family, so let’s look at her life.

Janet Hill went to Wellesley College and was a very smart woman. There, she lived with Hillary Rodham Clinton, who would later become a senator and first lady. She would meet her husband Calvin Hill at a professional football game. Calvin was a well-known player who played for the Hawaiians, the Dallas Cowboys, the Redskins, and the Browns. In October 1972, they had their only child, a son named Grant Hill.

Of course, Grant would go on to become a well-liked player in his own right. Before he joined the NBA, he played for Duke University. “He played for the Detroit Pistons, the Orlando Magic, the Phoenix Suns, and the Los Angeles Clippers” and was in the Major League. Grant is married to Tamia, a Canadian R&B singer.

Janet Grant was a Trustee Emerita at Duke, the school where Grant went to school. Today, flags have been lowered to honour his late mother. The University website says that “[Janet] served on the Duke University Board of Trustees from 2006 to 2021.” It was just revealed that she will receive Duke’s highest honour, the University Medal for Distinguished Meritorious Service, in 2022. The award will be given after the person has died, during Founders’ Weekend, which runs from September 30 to October 1.

Janet was also a partner at Washington, DC-based Hill Family Advisors. She used to own and run Alexander & Associates Inc., a consulting firm that helped directors, leaders, and managers with business planning, advice, and analyses.

As was already said, Janet was told she had Glioblastoma a year ago. “The Mayo Clinic says that glioblastoma is “an aggressive type of cancer that can happen in the brain or spinal cord.” Glioblastoma” is made up of “astrocytes, which are cells that help nerve cells. People over 50 are more likely to get this type of cancer, which can make headaches, nausea, vomiting, and seizures worse”. People who care about the Hill family have been giving them lots of love and support on social media since their loss. “Cookie and I send our love and prayers to Calvin Hill, Grant Hill, and the whole Grant family after the loss of their beloved wife and mother!” Magic Johnson wrote on Twitter. It’s @realgranthill33.”

“RIP Janet Hill,” Don Harris wrote on Twitter. Grant Hill had a wonderful mother. On too many boards to keep track of. Such as Sprint, Houghton Mifflin, Wendy’s, and more. I’m a trustee at both the Duke and Kennedy Centres for the Arts. Plus, he used to be an assistant to the secretary of the army. “My thoughts are with Grant and his family.”

Grant said nice things about his mom’s determination and fight against cancer in his own message. “She faced this brain cancer with great bravery, strength, and honour.” Our family is very sad about this loss. We will miss her always. #Rest in peace, mom. IU, mom!” We are sorry for their family’s loss.


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