Keke Palmer has been given full custody of their eight-month-old son and a restraining order against her ex-partner Darius Jackson.

Court records that RadarOnline got show that Jackson has been told to always stay 100 yards away from the singer and actor.

Jackson also can’t see their little boy, Leodis Andrellton Jackson, who was born in February.

There will be a meeting in December in Los Angeles to decide if the temporary restraining order will become a permanent one.

In her court case, Keke Palmer says she broke up with Jackson in October after being together for two years. A month later, Jackson showed up at her house without warning to take their son to a football game.

The Nope star said no, and she says Jackson then yelled at her and hit her. Palmer included video from a security camera of what she said happened in her request for a protection order.

Palmer adds to the case file, “At that point, he lunged at me, grabbed my neck and face, threw me backwards over the couch, stole my phone, and then ran out of the house.”

Palmer says Jackson became angry when she showed him a bikini picture of herself, which is one of the other domestic violence events listed in the filing.

Palmer says that the second event happened in early 2022 and that he “slammed me on the floor and slapped my head from side to side” in the bedroom.

He was yelling at me as I came down the stairs the next morning. He was standing at the bottom of the stairs near the front door. When I was almost at the bottom of the stairs, he grabbed me by the neck and threw me back up on them.

Palmer also says, “The abuse we went through together wasn’t just physical; it was also emotional and sneaky.” Because Darius was jealous and insecure, he abused me a lot during our relationship. That’s why I was very worried when he started to say he was jealous of the time I was spending with our son.

It’s also been said that Jackson hit their baby son when he wouldn’t stop crying: “Darius “started getting rough with Leo physically, and I stepped in to make sure Darius wouldn’t hurt him.” He was mad at Leo, and” the two of them almost got into a tug of war.

Leo wasn’t hurt when Darius finally let go, but Darius hit me in the head as I held Leo to soothe him and finish changing his nappy. He then stormed out of the room.

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