According to our source, the couple is “in financial turmoil,” and Camille, 79, isn’t willing to make the changes to their lifestyle that would help their situation.

Bill, the 86-year-old comic, is being sued for a lot of money, and his family has had to “liquidate” their assets, take out “second mortgages,” and sell beloved artwork in order to pay their bills.

However, the source said Camille seems to be denying that they are having money problems.

Our source said that Bill and Camille haven’t paid their housekeepers in a while because Bill told Camille that they “can’t live that lifestyle” any longer. It is said that he wants to fire some of their workers, but Camille won’t let him because she says she can’t stand living without their cook or workers.

The source said that Bill is “frustrated” about it, which means that it has become a “major issue” in their home.

Additionally, has learned that the Cosbys are in a “bad situation financially” because of all the cases the Bill Cosby Show actor is facing. A person with knowledge said that Bill, who was once said to be worth $400 million, is having trouble paying his bills because of his ongoing court problems that “never going to end.”

We asked Andrew Wyatt, Bill’s agent, what he thought, but he had “no comment.”

The comedian’s problems have been in the news. The former star is said to owe almost $650,000 in taxes for the 2019 and 2020 tax years.

People magazine The Blast says that Bill recently got two tax liens. The first one is for $88,566.88 and the second one is for $559,573.77.

In 2018, the man who was once called “America’s Dad” got a tax lien. After some time, Bill has given Uncle Sam the $1.8 million he owed in back taxes from 2015.

Bill is also responsible for the $500,000 that he was told by a California court to pay Judy Huth after she said he abused her at the Playboy Mansion when she was 16 years old in 1975.

The actor who used to work in Hollywood spent three years in jail in Pennsylvania for sexually assaulting Temple University executive Andrea Constand in 2004.

People thought the Cosbys’ marriage was in trouble after Bill got out of jail on a technicality in June 2021 and Camille was seen without her wedding ring. At the time, Wyatt told that the rumours were not true, pointing out that Camille has been by Bill’s side through good times and bad for almost 60 years.

For now, they should just let it all go and enjoy the few days of freedom they still have.

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