The man who lives with the world’s largest wolf interacts with him like a large puppy.
Never before have I desired to relocate to Siberia with such fervour. What a marvellous creature!

How large must a dog become before we cease calling it a puppy?
Many dog owners never seem to move on from the day they first encountered their companion.
It would have been appropriate if you had been caring for a Chihuahua, Pomeranian, or Yorkie. They would always fit on your lap, no matter how tall they grew.
This is not the situation.
What if you have a larger dog, such as a Saint Bernard, Labrador, or Great Dane? What if you have something considerably larger, such as a wolf?

Andrei Musienko displayed his dog.
The channel, aptly titled Black Canadian Wolf, is his repository of information regarding how he cares for his wolf.
In the forests, particularly in the northern hemisphere such as North America, Siberia, and Northern Europe, wolves are infamous for being menacing pack hunters.
This is difficult to comprehend given Andrey’s Akela.
In the candid video posted by Musienko, Akela is seen interacting with him in a playful manner.
Musienko was the only one of us who did not flee at the first sight of this animal.
Akela smelled and nibbled Musienko gently.
Before ascending his back, he even stood on his arm. He attempted to bite and yank his hoodie at one point.
For some, the scenario would have been terrifying, but for the pair, it’s just roughhousing.

Akela was acquired as a puppy.
Their Instagram account contains images of Akela dining and playing.
He was roughly the size of a typical puppy, so you would not have expected him to grow to his current size.
And when a wolf wants to play, it requires the entirety of your body to grapple with it.
Musienko doesn’t mind.
Ultimately, Akela will always be his pet. Black wolves are an offshoot of the grey wolf species.
Their dark-colored fur is a distinguishing feature. While grey wolves dominate other northern land areas, black wolves are much more prevalent in forested regions.
In recent years, the prevalence of wolf-dogs has increased. However, this ownership comes with considerable controversy.

Even when bred with other domesticated canines, their temperament and primal instincts are insufficient to be considered safe as pets.
Wolves and wolf-dogs have distinct physical characteristics than other dogs, as their bodies are more robust and their fangs are larger.
Despite this, Musienko does his best to provide for Akela.
He also began a fundraising effort.
He hopes to construct a more suitable environment and inclosure for the puppy.
“Many of you have requested that a large aviary similar to those in zoos be constructed for Akela, which is why we created a charity fundraiser for a project that replicates natural conditions.” On the fundraiser page, he stated.

Hopefully, as this dream comes true, Akela will be able to appreciate his days as a wolf and find joy in those who care for him.