After it was announced that King Charles III has cancer, Prince Harry recently visited the monarch. This has led to rumors of a possible family reunion. But it might take longer to deal with the long-standing problems in the ruling family.

After King Charles III’s sudden cancer news on February 5, 2024, Prince Harry quickly went back to the UK to help him through this difficult time. He drove for 11 hours from California, where he lives with his wife, Meghan Markle, and their two kids, Archie and Lilibet, to be with his father at Clarence House in central London. He stopped doing his most important royal tasks in 2020.

Harry could be seen in the back of a Range Rover going through the gates of Clarence House with a big group of people who had just arrived. The 75-year-old King Charles III is currently getting treatment for an unknown type of cancer.

Many people think that Prince Harry’s surprise visit is a sign that the royal family can get along again, especially after King Charles’ shocking news. But Harry’s stay in the UK is still unclear. There is talk that he might stay in central London or choose to live at Windsor’s Frogmore Cottage, where he and Meghan used to live.

Richard Fitzwilliams, a royal analyst, talked about how important it is to stick together during these times and said he was sure that Harry would forget about past disagreements for the sake of family unity. “It’s very important that everyone works together,” Fitzwilliams said.

Former King Charles III press secretary Kristina Kyriacou talked about how close King Charles III and Harry were and how much the King loved his son and wanted to heal the rift that had grown between them.

Even though things are going badly, Kyriacou is still hoping that this will lead to a happy reunion, not just between the father and son but also with the rest of the royal family. “If some good comes out of the bad news and Harry, the King, the Queen, and his brother are reunited—how wonderful,” she said.

Reports say Harry’s meeting with King Charles and Camilla was short, lasting only 45 minutes. But he didn’t get to meet his brother William or his sister-in-law Kate, who is said to be healing from surgery on her abdomen.

Also, a source said that Harry had asked Camilla not to be there when he talked to his father about the King’s cancer news. People saw this request as a missed chance to make peace.

Because Harry only spent a short time with his father and stepmother and never saw his brother, royal experts think that he has a long way to go before he can get along with the Royal Family again. Harry only stayed in England for 24 hours before going back to California.

In his book “Spare,” Harry wrote honestly about how tense his relationship with Camilla was. The moment they met was like a shot: “Close your eyes, and it’s over before you know it.” He was sure that neither of them cared about the other’s opinion, even though the memory was fuzzy. “I wasn’t her mother, and I wasn’t the hardest thing for her,” Harry thought.

The Duke of Sussex said that neither he nor his brother William agreed with their father’s choice to marry the Queen Consort. Harry said that they were already together, so it didn’t make sense to take their relationship to the next level.

William and Harry both told Camilla they supported her. “We’re with you,” they told their dad. “We firmly support Camilla. Don’t get married to her, please. “Pa, just be with her,” Harry said. But the King was set on making her an official part of the Royal Family.

Adding Camilla to the royal family caused a lot of debate, mostly because of her past. Because she was the “other woman,” she felt like she had to fix her appearance. “She was the bad girl. He said, “She was the third person in the marriage.” He thought it was dangerous for her to try to become part of the royal family and run for the crown.

Harry said he was worried that Camilla’s efforts to improve her image in the royal family made her “perilous” because she was so close to the media and could cause private family issues to be made public, which would hurt the family’s reputation.

Because of this, Harry thought he and his family were in danger. In his memoir, he wrote about times when Camilla reportedly told other people about things they had talked about in private.

In addition, he said that Camilla and King Charles III were both uncomfortable with all the attention William and Kate were getting because they thought it took away from their own projects they were working on together. It came out that Camilla had turned Harry’s old bedroom into her dressing room, which made their relationship even more complicated.

Sources close to Camilla said that she was “hurt” by how she was portrayed in Harry’s book after his memoir and talks about his relationship with her came out. Even so, she is trying to stand up for herself and feel more at ease in her role as Queen Consort.

The Royal Family’s fights were seen by everyone, but Prince Harry’s visit to King Charles III gave people hope for peace, though it may take a lot longer than expected.

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