Mark Wahlberg prays daily: “Faith makes me a better dad.”
Mark Wahlberg rose from humble origins to become one of Hollywood’s highest-paid performers.
Many forget that this actor and family man was a troubled Boston adolescent who went to jail.
Wahlberg left school at 13 to join “New Kids on the Block” with his brother Donnie and was addicted to cocaine.
Most of us remember Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch’s pant-dropping frontman.

Despite his substance problems and controversies, he became a successful actor, spouse, and parent.
The Boston-born actor is a gym regular but recently stated that he now takes two days off a week.
He never skips his time with God.
His self-care and prayer appear to have turned him around.
He told MSN News that he now skips the gym two days a week. I read my prayer book and daily devotionals every day.
He attributes regular prayer with making him a better father to Ella (16), Brendan (14), Michael (13), and Grace (10). (10).
The 49-year-old thinks his faith makes him a better husband to his 2009 wife, former Victoria’s Secret model Rhea Durham.

I owe my wife a lot. Mark added, “She helped me become the guy I am and created a great life for me and our children”.
She liked me for who I am and was trustworthy. I wasn’t ready for a family until I met her.”
Mark Wahlberg prays daily to stay focused, especially on his family.
The pious Catholic prayed for patience.
I want to set an example with my work ethic, spirituality, and family.
“I’m here for a cause, not to forget where I came from. I must use my gifts to serve others.”
I’m delighted he discovered something to ground him and change his life.