For some, hanging out with a swarm of bees might seem weird, but for this farmer, it’s a dream come true.
Bui Duy Nhat was willing to pose for photos despite being covered in thousands of wild bees. He hid only his ears with a piece of clothing.
In approximately 20 minutes, Nhat can corral a swarm of wild bees, and he can chat and walk about while they’re all over him.
The 41-year-old is well recognized as one of only a handful of bee bearding masters in Vietnam.
In order to attract thousands of the winged insects, he stays in close proximity to the colony’s queen bee and lures her to the Nua Ngam commune in Dien Bien province. Eventually, swarms of bees settle on his body.

In 1993, Nhat began working with bees to understand more about their appearance and behavior, which sparked his interest in beekeeping.
So although most individuals unwind by spending time with loved ones, it’s evident that Nhat prefers to spend her free time among the bees.