Steve Harvey has talked about the phone call between co-host Shirley Strawberry and her divorced husband, Ernest Williams, who is in jail. The call was leaked.

On Monday’s morning show, Harvey said that the chat was leaked by a Fulton County Jail worker who needed money. Harvey is used to being in the news for bad things, but this time it hurt him more because it was a close friend who did it. Also, the call got out when the internet was already talking a lot about his wedding.

“The timing was bad because of everything else going on right now. It looked like Shirley was piling on, which she didn’t mean to do, but it did,” he said.

Harvey’s longtime co-host talked about his wife Marjorie in a chat between Williams and Strawberry that came out a few days ago. Strawberry said something about Harvey being “scared” of his wife during the call. She said that when Harvey’s co-hosts came to their house recently, he showed them around his land, which he would never have done without Marjorie. In fact, Strawberry said that the beautiful wife thinks of her husband’s co-hosts as “the help.” Soon after the call was posted online, Strawberry called the Harvey family to say she was sorry and that she had no idea what she had said would be posted online. Unfortunately, this just added to the current news about the Harvey family that made headlines.

Harvey has always rejected the claim that Marjorie had an affair, which led to their breakup and caused them to leave each other. Fans have also said for years that she was the reason he broke up with his first wife, Mary Lee Harvey. The 66-year-old laughed at this story and said that they only started dating after his last marriage ended.

Marjorie hasn’t said anything about the rumors, but her husband says they have been hard on her.

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