Bus Driver Writes Viral Letter To Parents About Youngsters Mistreating Child On Her Bus
We all know that youngsters may be nasty to those who are different.
Children’s frank comments can tear down their peers in a flash.
These kids’ actions and words often reflect their parents’ parenting.
Bus driver Cindy Clausen has seen kids behave in many ways. She was shocked when two siblings did something unusual.

Instead of tormenting a crippled boy on the bus, the brother and sister befriended him!
They requested to seat next to him and helped him get on and off the bus.
Cindy immediately recognised Annaliese and Jorge’s parents were raising them appropriately.
Cindy wrote a letter to their parents and sent it home with them after being moved by their behaviour. The viral letter read:
“Your children are beautiful inside and out! This comes from home, patience, instruction, and example.
Jackson rides my bus. Both your children have been incredibly kind to him. Your kids ask to sit with Jackson daily. As he sees Annaliese and Jorge, Jackson smiles. Jackson struggles to walk to his seat.
Today Annaliese peeked out from her seat and said, “Come on Jackson, you can do it,” and when we got to school, Jackson carried his backpack!
I know you know how great your kids are, but it shows!

We all know that youngsters may be nasty to those who are different.
Children’s frank comments can tear down their peers in a flash.
These kids’ actions and words often reflect their parents’ parenting.
Bus driver Cindy Clausen has seen kids behave in many ways. She was shocked when two siblings did something unusual.
Instead of tormenting a crippled boy on the bus, the brother and sister befriended him!
They requested to seat next to him and helped him get on and off the bus.
Cindy immediately recognised Annaliese and Jorge’s parents were raising them appropriately.
Cindy wrote a letter to their parents and sent it home with them after being moved by their behaviour. The viral letter read:
“Your children are beautiful inside and out! This comes from home, patience, instruction, and example.
Jackson rides my bus. Both your children have been incredibly kind to him. Your kids ask to sit with Jackson daily. As he sees Annaliese and Jorge, Jackson smiles. Jackson struggles to walk to his seat.
Today Annaliese peeked out from her seat and said, “Come on Jackson, you can do it,” and when we got to school, Jackson carried his backpack!
I know you know how great your kids are, but it shows!
The letter made Annaliese and Jorge’s parents feel good about their parenting.
! These nice youngsters made them so proud!